Brownfields Site Assessments and Cleanup

  • Two Excavators

  • Moran Plant Closure

  • Windsor Welcome Center

  • BFHS Construction Brownfields

  • Geoprobe Drilling Brownfields

  • Confined Space Entry

KAS provides technical services for Brownfields redevelopment properties. Brownfields are “real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the release or threatened release of a hazardous material.”  Petroleum products are also contributors to Brownfields redevelopment properties under certain circumstances.

KAS has been actively engaged in Brownfields redevelopment site work since its inception. We have experience providing diverse consulting services on all levels of Brownfields Redevelopment properties including Brownfields properties which have gone through assessment and cleanup and have received liability release.

KAS has a robust Quality Assurance/Quality Control program complying with state and federal requirements which includes EPA Generic and Site Specific Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP), detailed technical protocols and a dedicated Quality Assurance Officer.

Brownfields services offered include:

  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessments per ASTM E1527 and EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) Rules.
  • Phase II Environmental Site Assessments per ASTM E 1903 and applicable state requirements.
  • Corrective Action Plans (CAP) and Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA).
  • Brownfields Cleanup Design and Implementation.
  • EPA Grant Application Preparation and Review.
  • Site identification and qualification.

KAS has specific Brownfields site expertise regarding:

  • Hazardous and petroleum contaminated properties.
  • PCB contaminated properties.
  • Chlorinated solvent properties including dry cleaners.
  • Comingled contamination.
  • Paper mills and dioxin contamination.
  • Pesticide and Herbicide contamination.
  • Residential, commercial and industrial settings.
Tank Investigation
Moran Plant Dive